Sunday, October 9, 2011

HA! I cheated death!

Just kidding, guys! My blog's not over. Sorry for the delay, though. After a bit of convincing, I now am resuming the watching of the anime. Not only that, but in the bit of time I was M.I.A. from the internet, I got a pitbull puppy named Sadie, and I will be attending Neko-Con 14 this year. YEAHHHHHHH. (cosplaying as Dib from Invader Zim and the Undertaker from Kuroshitsuji)
So, what I've watched recently.
Um...the NeverEnding Story at least six times. I tottaly cry every single time that Artac (..spelling...?) drowns. I just do. (The only reason I've been able to watch so much television lately is because I've been babysitting my siblings in between school, so tv is a typical option for entertainment. Also, walking the dog, slapping together a makeshift lunch whenever I forget it at home-or take "food alms" from friends-reading, and doodling. THAT has been my life for the past month and a half. POR QUE??)
I've been catching up on Glee alot; season 3 is now on every Tuesday (in America only....wasn't meant to be a Little Kuriboh jab) and I've been soaking it up. I mean, really, Kurt is just so moving and inspiring. His character and vocal range are amazing and I admire this new breed of television character that has never before graced American tv like this one has. I've been seriously considering mailing a letter to Chris Colfer to tell him how much I admire his fantastic acting skills. Then, I've been seeing some anime (I've recently begun High School of the Dead and Darker Than Black. Both of which I am quickly losing interest in. Eh, there's a genre for everyone. I usually enjoy horror mysteries, but Darker Than Black barely scrapes Death Note, and HSOTD is so typical Nabouri No Oru and the only good thing about it is the OP's.) and some stuff like Little Shop of Horrors and Sweeney Todd. I'm also doing a biography book report for school, so I've decided to do it on Helena Bonham Carter, and so that's given me an excuse to watch everyhting she's been in. I've watched Harry Potter 5-8, Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, and Sweeney Todd. This person...psh...ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS. Her acting skills are amazing and I can't wait to show off my obscure (only to my group of acquintances) little actress. This will be especially fun, since my Christian school despises Harry Potter with a fiery passion (beleiveing it of the Devil or whatever), so when I put up my little video clips, I'll probably be expelled.
This is my school, everyone.*rolls eyes*
Anyway, it feels so much better to get my fingers typing again about something I love. Don't worry, folks, I'll be back to vent about more at a later date. 'Dios!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Currents-August 2011

Alright-y! Currents this week:
Aniplex plans on casting for Kuroshituji 2 (soon to be Black Butler 2, the christining awaits. :D) this coming October for the english dub (finally! I've held off on watching Kuroshitsuji 2 in the japanese so I can see it in english when it is released...wouldn't want to spoil the surprise. *wink* of course, I've seen trailers and tid-bits of AMV's and have done my wikipedia-research, so I'm not tottaly in the dark) and I, for one, am very excited to see how they decide to cast the actor/ probably actress for Alois Trancy. And who doesn't? I expect him to have a very light and sing-song voice, and I know that's not wishful thinking, knowing Funimation. Okay, I already said that Fma:Brotherhood part 5 has been released early, but I'll just throw that out there anyway. VA-campus lockdowns from yesterday are still on, so on the slight chance that you happen to be on campus currently and are reading this (fat chance, but you never know), staying indoors would be smart. Just saying. Invader ZIM has been added to Netflix's "instant" list as of last month. All 24 episodes, all labeled under the 1st season for some reason. So don't go looking for 2 or 3, cause' they're not there. Funimation will be at Anime USA this year, and are big sponsers, so if you happen to plan on going to Anime USA this November in Arlington, VA, drop by their table and pick up most popular anime titles on a big-sale and get discounts and meet directors and all that good stuff. Lotsa freebies. Also, the k-pop group SuperJunior just released a new album yesterday, and their new song, Mr. Simple, is wildly popular in just one night. The music video is very nice, and I suggest you check it out. And the j-pop group group L`en arc~Ciel have made yet another song for the upcoming FMA:B movie, The Star of Milos, for the opening credits. So fly, my lufflies. Fly away and enjoy this newfound news!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Love the heart that hurts you, but don't hurt the heart that loves you

 Emos have a voice.

These are a few of my favorite things...

Leave a comment if you enjoy one of these:
J-pop, coming out of the pool freezing cold but grinning madly, guinea pig snuffles, wrapped-in-a-fleece-blanket-and-watching-a-feelgood-movie, Tom Felton, reading a good fantasy novel, pleasant psychiatric wards, nosing a toe across the floor sheepishly with your arms crossed, lazy schnauzers, sailing boats on a chilly day with saltwater spraying in your face, North Carolina, pretty brown-stone housing units and cobbled subdivisions, haunted houses, Luray Caverns, old-fashioned VHS players, retro anime, chilled hot cocoa, BBQ cookouts, an exceptional fanfictions, boston terriers, Smosh, california-rolled sushi, emo-boy-punk-rocker-wannabe-wading-through-high-school-armed-with-flat-ironed-hair-and-a-scowl, Disney Pixar, fencing, the theory of aliens, Panic!at The Disco, thick square glasses, librarians-who-know-you-so-well-that-they-tend-to-act-like-your-mother-and-won't-hesitate-to-force-you-to-pay-your-dues, thick earplugs, Webster's dictionary, acting camps, sci-fi and anime conventions, cosplaying your favorite characters or just for a dare, chicken casserole, AMV's, graphic-tees sales at HotTopic, flat-ironed hair with purple highlights, karaoke, british people, Severus Snape, horror films, treadmills, persistant sisters, orange-painted walls, cuban grandmothers, Mr. Bubbles bubble-bath, cosplay wigs, vannila soy milk, Oscar the Grouch, russians, button-up cardigans, kitten whiskers, crazed fangirls, rocket-ships with enough fuel to make it to Mars (when the technology is invented), heart-shaped lollipops, mashed potatoes, Gamestop, metaphors, lost in thought, Writer's Block, blogging, stiletto heels, countdowns, Unbreakable curses, Babylon 5, happy meals, and of course, comments. :D
Comment if you love comments (or commenting)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Gir made mashed potatoes
This is my favorite GIR quote of all time. Of all of GIR's crazy quotes, the best is definatley the funniest. Here's the URL, and enjoy!

Saturday, July 30, 2011


By the way, this picture doesn't belong to me. I just realized now that I can get in loads of trouble for posting these pics without a disclaimer or somehting, so there ye go. You've noticed that I've put together a strange little mock-diary entry for Grell in some sort of die-ary (jthm reference). Yeah, ever since I changed my display user-name from Mcsugarbob to CornMuffin, I haven't been doing many McReviews...but don't worry, I'll get to them again, I promise. But for now, I've started a little something I like to call The Absolutely Fascinating Diary Entries of Grell Sutcliff, which are exactly as I just said. Grell Sutcliff. Writing in a diary.
...This will be fun.

The Absolutley Fascinating Diary Entries of Grell Sutcliff

September 11
Just to start off, silly peice of paper, this was not my idea whatsoever. No. Not at all. It was utterly and entirely Will's fault...well, not exactly fault; he is capable of none of the sort. All "Mr. Must be absolutely perfect" and that. It was merely his own doing to which I have been forced against my will (not that Will, my lovlies. Of course, it would be rather nice if he were mine.). Said I was "spending too much time out on missions," and that I "might need a bit of time off" or some other of the likely codswallop. Of course, anyone with a pair of perfectly-functioning eyes attached to their lovely little sockets would know for sure that said person with a perfectly-functioning brain attached to the back of their head (...we hope.) would be hinting subtely that the former isn't doing to smooth and had better get their act together before Will does something terribely unWill-like, like bursting into spontaneous cartwheels or jump off a building or worse, crooked-ify (or whatever it is he likes to call it) his beloved glasses. Psh.So anyway, he gave me this little booklet of insufferable doom to write my "crash-progress" or something like that. Crash, as in meaning my little break. Or to vent out. (whatever that means)
Again, I say what.
...that man confuses me thoroughly.
So he told me to keep record, but of course I'm not. Handsome as he is, there is no way I'm going to do anything that doesn't involve legal papers. And as far as I can tell, this peice of paper has no legal notes (again, come to think of it, I've never even seen a legal note...)
But just so you are aware, strange, psychic book of lined paper, this wasn't my idea.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sometimes I wonder..

Sometimes I wonder vageuly if it would be differet if I hd eventually decided to KEEP my friend-box on the side of my blog instead of deleting it...then maybe you readers might lend me a comment or two? Oh well. Dwelling on the past does nothing for me, mostly because someone screwed with my customization screen and I can't access it anymore to replant it, so oh well. Today is the Tomorrow you envisioned Yesterday. Hopefully this little chat would cause one of you leave me a comment. *shrug*  Anyway, did anyone bother to know that episodes of Invader Zim in the japanese dub are unavaliable on the US internet? it appears Asia has their very own form of internet..not tht I didn't know that, or the fact that Invader Zim hs a japanese dub, I just didn't bother to check it till now and I'm kind of disappointed.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Vader Tots

...Ever wondered what it would be like if Darth Vader had his own line of freeze-dried food goods cleverely disguised as Tator-tots and under the ingenius surname "Kraft" all the while distributing them through means of supermarkets nationwide for the mind-blowing price of 3.75 plus applicable taxes and are the sole cause of cancer, and scientists and doctors haven't been able to trace it yet because of the ingenius fool-proof (and bulletproof) layering over the tots, that once digested, travel to Mars and then there's no way for NASA to retrieve the ever-growing mounds of digested tator-tots on Mars thanks to them shutting down. That, or that the doctors and scientists already know but are keeping it a secret because they're just so yummy, which in turn allows Darth Vader to thrive off our Earth money in order to become the richest guy in the world, so that one day, when he travels here, everyone will be forced to become his lackies and he will eventually have millions of cancer-inflicted minions to do his bidding?
WHAT FIENDS! They must be stopped!

Monday, July 18, 2011

A Very Potter Musical

This is the most insane thing I've ever seen, and almost one of the funniest things. Not the whole play, however, but most of it.
Anyway, I can save the real ranting for later, so I'll have enough breath to explain. Harry potter the Musical is a novice musical by...well, a bunch of novices who slapped it together. this point, I'm not quite sure whether or not they're still in college or not, but the play is still very much alive thanks to lots of Harry potter fans keeping it so, solely driven by their fandom and hard-earned cash. (much like myself) And needless to say, the unofficial, fan-made musical has garnered to much attention for it's own good, but we all have to admit, as seasoned HP fans who don't find much more than angst these days in the HP world, this is a hilarious load-off and we know we love it anyway. The musical consists of a ton of wacky songs and side-splitting dialouge (is this really me saying all of this? I think I should become a reporter or, and my favorite character in the play is Draco, of course, and I swear that it's not just my Draco-fangirl side speaking. ...No really, I swear. ...all right. Maybe just a little.
But you HAVE to look it up on youtube, "a very potter musical" and "a very potter sequal". It's really contagious. Especially all the childish parts with Draco.
These people are insane!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

...this cannot be happening...

*curls up in a tight ball and whimpers slightly* Envy-kun...died. He died. Roy and pretty much everyone one else within a five mile radius wanted to kill him, and then (I DON'T CARE IF IT'S SPOILERS YOU UNSENSITIVE FLIBBITHOBGKIN-GIBBITS!!! I'M SO DEPPPRESSSEEEDDDD!!!) He pulled out his Philosopher stone.
*sniffles pathetically* ...stupid emo...WHHYYYYYYYY???????
He died this morning just for everyone who was too lazy to wake up and watch it *cough* don't care about Envy,don't read this blog or perish *cough* So I'm pretty much in mourning. And mourning does not side well considering that I'm recovering from a fever (and due to this fever, I had to miss my acting camp's performance. Blargghh.) and that my throat is so swollen that I can't speak, can barely get out of bed without tearing up and clutching my throat (who knew that your legs had such a link to your throat...huh. Anyhow, I got used to it after loping around a bit), haven't eaten for two days (up until recently...what a painful dinner it was) taking into account that I can't fit anything larger than an ibuprofen down my throat. So I have been mourning myself as well as Envy. As has my friend Cloud-chan, who was probably even more in a wreck than I was about his death. She wasn't expecting it, because she hasn't gotten to it in the japanese dub before. I however, have seen it in the japanese dub, but I was still a nervous, blubbering mess after the episode ended in english.
Needless to say, we're both major Envy fangirls.
So, if you wish it to be the end of life as you know it, I command you to mourn Envy, and/or see the episode and then mourn him for hours on end.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How I Met Draco Malfoy

...okay, lemme warn you, it gets uber complicated from here on, so listen closely. So, here I was at Carowinds theme park in South Carolina, texting my friend Cloud-chan about the Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2 midnight premiere (which I am going to Every by the way, wearing my new Gryffindor shirt I bought at Hottopic) and it was 9:30 at night and I was just getting off of the Intimadator coaster, when the boy who was about to take my seat (I'm not kidding... it was scary. 0.o) loooked exactly like Tom Felton. Exactly. Every little detail and I was standing, shock still and he accidently bumped into my shoulder and when he said 'sorry', he even had a british (or mebbe Scottish, hard to tell with only one word) accent and I zombie-walked off the platform with a giant headache from thinking so much.
Coincidence? I don't think so.
But let me tell you, that was the highlight of my day (even if it maybe wasn't Tom Felton...ah well) but since I like to think of Slytherin as my home-house ( a good second would be Gryffindor, I'm kind of adventurous and mischevious at the same time), and since Draco is teh best ever (sorry Harry-san) I was tottaly fangirling-out. :DDD

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sweet Vocaloid Songs

Otay, here are some good Vocaloid songs, most of which are Hatsune Miku. If you don't know what Vocaloid is: It's not an actual anime-show, but it's a bunch of songs put together by these different characters. There are several different characters who all sing different genres of songs. For example, Kagamine Rin is supposed to be the twin to Kagmaine Len. Rin songs bubblegum-pop style, all happy and stuff. Len is a punky-rock style. Kaito is quiet, ballroom style. Mitsune Haku does a bunch of deppresing stuff, but it's usually mixed. A lot of Hatsune Miku's songs are either dark and have a deep meaning, and some are light and bouncy like Rin's. There are a couple more characters, and they all have vocie actors who sing their own specific songs (and yes, it's japanese.) As I said, it's not an anime-show, but it's different anime characters who "sing" songs. It's kind of like a japanese band, where all the characters are the lead singers and it's NOT an anime, but with anime characters. Make sense? I hope so, cause' I'm not saying that again. These aren't nessacarily in order
1) Meltdown by Kagamine Rin
2) Rolling Girl by Hatsune Miku
3) Canterella (project diva) by Kaito and Hatsune Miku
4) Just be Friends by Megurine Luka
5) Trick or Treat by Kagamine Rin and Len
6) Spice by Kagamine Len
7) Last Night, Good night by Hatsune Miku
8) I Like You, I Love You by Kagamine Rin
9) The Voice by Hatsune Miku
 So, those are just some of my personal favorites, especially Rolling Girl, but don't take my word for it. Look em' up!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Hi there, sorry for being late on the blogging spectrum, I've been either sleeping or swimming. I just came back from Virginia yesterday on a plane to Florida to visit my grandparents, which I'm staying with for three weeks. So yeah...Florida. The land of palmtrees, retirement, cable television, and magic. Basically once I've gotten here I've gone in the pool and wandering around aimlessly and getting bitten by various mosqiutos and getting bombarded with licks by the dog and going to Walmart and purchasing Florida-grown produce at a produce-stand and nibbling on Tapioca pudding and going to the library and wearing my steampunk cap and reading Harry Potter and helping grandpa with his crossword puzzles and watching a giraffe being born and nearly going deaf in one ear and petting the dog and sleeping and watching Adventure Time on Cartoon Network. I even tried tasting a droplet from those little Kraft-Mia things that you pour into water-bottles to flavor them and it was terrible. This is what I've done all day and I just got to Florida yesterday. So anyway, it's almost for certain that I'm going to Neko-con in November with my cousin, so I'm excited. A break from school just to go release my inner dork! Huzzah. Fullmetal Alchemist part 5 is scheduled to be released in August, and Kuroshitsuji 2 is...well, I haven't been keeping track of that.
...Go wikipedia-it or something...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Animazement 2011

Hey! I'm back, whatd'ya know. Sorry I've been slow on the feedback that doesn't exist!! *shifty eyes to non-commenters* Anyway, I'm back from that yearly convention that's apperantly been running since the late 90's: Animazment. One of the biggest conventions on the southern coast,this year took place in Raleigh, NC at the newly-built Raleigh Convention Center. Needless to say, it was pretty awesome. My dad took me, and I met up with my friend from church, Tristan, who was cosplaying as L from Death Note. Her sister Jim was cosplaying as Crona from Soul Eater, and her other friends: Becca and Aimee, were Roxas from Kingdom Hearts and Matt (without a Mello) from Death Note. I, of course, was dear Edo from Fullmetal Alchemist. It was fun, I saw lots of things that befuddled my mind, ate lots of strawberry pocky, got bombarded with short-jokes by numerous cosplayers (As a good convention-goer, I gladly played along and did more short-rants than I should have. Needless to say, my voice was sore before the con even hit 4:30.), got in a fight with an Envy, got my left glove stolen by a Wrath, was constantly followed by a Sakuya, bought a Hetalia-fabric-wall poster for my room, hugged a Death the Kidd, held Grell's Death Sycthe, and took too many pictures for my own good. It was excellent. The only problem with my costume is that I had to re-use my Joey-wig and I didn't have a braid. But that's okay. There were worse Edwards there than me. My favorite voice actors ever, Todd Haberkorn andEric Vale were there. But I missed the signings! I MISSED THEM!! I was very dissapointed. But luckily, Tristan was staying for Sunday and she promised to get me a signature! Anyway, the skits were great, and my favorite was probably "Follow Me Down" with Boris and Alice. It was one of the best of the evening! Ok, I have to get off of the computer, so Hasta La Pasta and I'll see you all at Animazement 2012!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I just recieved word from my two awesome cousins on seperate occasions that Fma:Brotherhood part 4 has been released in ENGLISH! LAST WEEK! This is awesome! I would die for the dvd, but even reliable dvd stores do not yet have it in stock. A few more weeks, I hope. But anyway, not much other to say here. My friends and I are planning on doing either a Slayer's Next and FMA cosplay skit together at Anime USA this November in Arlington, VA but it's a bit early to be mentioning that now. So, Sonic's been quiet, Funimation's thriving off of anime addicts' money as usual, and my goggles have not yet arrived. Neither have my Last unicorn book. I have filed sevral complants over email, beginning two weeks ago and not even the slightest reply. I am very disappointed, as you can tell. Oh, and I've started the Secret of Kells movie this morning. Everyone told me it was an amazing movie, ad they were playing it in the Mysti-con anime room (I don't think it counts as anime) in the english dub (everyone tells me it was first in german or something. Was it?) and I missed it. But I started it and I'm planning on finishing it tommorow. Short lived but sweet. G'day

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Weird bit of information I pried open from the internet box. Mayumi Yamaguchi (japanese voice actress for Envy on FMA) is also a part-time singer. Some of her songs I've heard and never known it was her singing all along! Some of her songs include Marai and baby Don't Cry. There's alot of others that I don't feel like naming now so GO! Go to the deepest depths of the internet to find them! In other news (or not so) Sonic has been pretty queit lately. (by lately, I mean the last year) And I mean silent Where's the promised Sonic 4 and Sonic Anniversary? (Did Sonic 4 already come out? That's what all my friends tell me but I haven't seen it. Ah well.) Gamer Pro magazine had an article on "Sonic's Dilemna". It had several paragraphs on how fans are becoming more rabid and two graphs on the decline in Sega's stocks under the Sonic franchise. The article may have been deppressing, but the pictures were cute. But there's a new Sonic Universe arc. It's a Silver arc (FINALLY!) and how he returns to the past to rescue Mobius from Enerjak. Again. I haven't gotten it yet, so I don't know the nitty gritty but it's along those lines. Also, my fancy stemapunk goggles and The Last Unicorn book have not yet arrived in the mail. It has been almost four weeks since Shevacon ended and they are NOT HERE! This is disturbing news. BUT NOT TO WORRY, THE POWER OF PRAYER WILL SOLVE EVERYTHING! So, I went to Best Buy the other day, armed with a Christmas giftcard and I purchased the FMA second season box set. I was gonna get the Epic Micket game because I still haven't gotten to beta test it yet. (Everyone else has, why not me!? I mean, they had a beta tester at Mysticon! Mysticon!) So, I watched the episode Theory of Avarice first and it was pretty epic. This was the one where Greed was defeated. It was kind of an awkward situation before he died. He was all curled up in a little ball while telling Edward how to defeat the other Homunculi. Ed didn't want to believe that he actually defeated Greed. He appeared genuinely upset over Greed's death, even though he was a villian. Marta was currently located inside Alphonse's armor and Dante/Lyra was MIA. That was that. So, before I wrap up, please pray for Japan. You (the reader) may not be religious, but just do it. 98% of the Japanese went to Hell that day, whether you believe it or not. So please just pray.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mc Reveiws: Soul-Eater

Hey Chib's-san-O's out there. I did it again! Now I've begun to conquer even our beloved Soul Eater. The funny thing about this show is that its supposed to be serious but failing miserably. It was meant to be but not. Its just too funny and random to be that dark. So, basically its about these teens (on Earth, surprisingly. Not some alternate universe) who go to this hidden school called DWMA , located deep in Nevada (widely known as the "academy"). The school is for kids who have passed a specific exam to allow them to participate in a hunt of sorts. This hunt is actually for each student team to capture 99 kishin souls (their word for extremely evil people) and one witch soul in order to graduate. And the witches aren't even witches. They just think the are. They capture these souls of the evil to rid the world of...well, evil. (Why do all these shows end up with the heroes trying to rid the world of evil?! Not that I'm complaining, but it's getting old.) Each student is either classified as a meister or a weapon. Weapons are kids who have the ability to transform into a weapon, and meisters are the weilders of their partners, the weapons. They use their weapon-partners to defeat the kishin. There are three teams of seven main antoganists. The first and main team is Maka Albarn, a 14 year old (I think..) girl, daughter of Spirit Albarn who is the weapon for the principal of DWMA, Lord Shinigami. Her partner and weapon is Soul, an albino boy who can turn into an enormous scythe.Team two is Black Star, a blue-haired boy with A.D.D. and apperantly is related to Naruto. His partner is Tsubaki, a queit, calm and collective girl who can turn into a chain scythe. (A chain scythe is two huge shuriken connected by a chain.) Team three is Kidd, a black-haired boy who has three white stripes through his hair and has an obsessive disorder over symmetry. (anything non-symmetrical that he sees, he destroys. He also hates his hair.) His weapons are Liz and Patty Thompson. (they used to be outlaws, but Kidd found them and made them change their ways when they became his weapons) They're sisters and both turn into pistols. Kidd is also the son of Shinigami, giving him airs and privelages unlike the other meisters. Other important characters (wow, this is taking longer than I thought..) include Proffesor Stein, a kind but slightly insane doctor who hosts biology class. There's Spirit, a comical redhead who's also Maka's dad and Lord Shinigami's weapon. Ther is also Marie, Stein's lover. She's kind and kind of out-of-it. She also weilds a small hammer and has an eyepatch. Students are Ox Ford, a child-prodigy obsessed with learning. Kim Deihl, in relationship with Ox and meister to Jaqueline o' Lantern. Jaqueline is a lamp weapon and can be used as either a regular lamp or a flamethrower. Thunder and Fire are chibi twins who don't do much. Villians are Medusa, one of the evil witches. She's a snake witch and derives pleasure from controlling people's minds. Free is also a villian. Free serves Medusa and is very carefree and is basically superhuman. My favorite is Crona, a young boy who is claustrophobic and afraid of being around other people, especially girls. He has purple hair and has a monotone voice, and is the meister to Ragnarok. The first known kishin is Asura, an extremely paranoid but insane. He has odd habits like wearing seven layers of scarves and eating his weapon Vajra whenever he feels. Blair is a shapeshifting neko-girl who has purple hair and has a major, poorly diguised crush on Soul. So, that's that.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Awesome! Just came bck from Shevacon! Well, not just (notice the itailics (sp?). Just began using them. Aren't they great?!) back, like last week back. It was last Friday through last Sunday and it was so cool! Cutting to the chase, there was an enormous dealer's room (there I got a pair of steampunk/mad scientist goggles, two FMA figurines, the last unicorn book, a suckerpunch poster, and a whole slew of brocherurs.), I saw two Dragon cosplayers, one Ash Ketchum, 5 or 6 steampunk'ers, many Storm Troopers, The Ghost Busters, The Harry Potter gang (including the Snitch!), 2 Nekos and too many Darth whatever's to count. Only saw one Naruto cosplayer for some reason and no Bleach people at all, surprisingly enough. But I was glad for it. The Bleach part, that is. At least I was spared from dying on the spot. Bleach is the worst anime ever. Now, there were plenty of panels. My favorites were the Aliens panel (never heard of the movie until then; people at the booth kindly informed me for later research of every waking detail on how they hatch eggs in your stomach and crawl out of your chest. They also enlightened me that they existed to protect me from those kinds of dangers. Phew, it's a good thing that I can rest safely and that the Paranormal investigators will rescue me.), and the Wizengamot Muggle Quidditch league of Roanoke Virginia for beggining wizards. (They also informed me that if I don't join their thriving society of already 30 active members that they will use the Imperious curse on me. Wow.) At the anime dvd dealer's table were a whole bunch of videos that I would've loved to buy. Then after I left to Chick fil a and came back, all that was left on the table was 2 stacks of One Peice movies. It stayed that way for the entire convention. Wow. People must really hate One Peice.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fma fanfic snipet

I wrote a fanfic..basically in short so here it is. This is just a preveiw, mind you. Also this takes place after episode 50-some where Envy dies. Also revised a little. This is also a PREVIEW, left off from the middle-ish. Also a bit of fluff in between madness.
Envy yanked himself backwards and quickly shapeshifted into his prefered state, sliding onto the the cobbled walk. "How-" His question cut short as a bullet tore through his neck. slowly it regenerated and the green haired homunculus felt a wave of saliva mixed with bile wash over his mouth. "Outh..." he winced as he bit his tongue. Riza Hawkeye narrowed her blue eyes and her fingers tightened around the trigger and pulled hard; twice. One in the gut and one in the kneecap. Envy collapsed to his faux hands and knees, feeling sick to his stomach as the wounds slowly closed  and the bullets dissolved under the skin. "Stop!" He cried out in the scratchy voice of his before Hawkeye countinued to shoot him. "Not until you're dead!" The blonde leiutenant gritted her teeth; shoulders trembling with each backfire. "I wasn't gonna-OW!" He exclaimed indignantley at another pot shot at his stomach. "Wasn't gonna hurt you, honest!" he shouted before wobbling to his feet. The oldest homunculus felt something hot and itchy in his violet eyes and brushed it, startled to find his knuckles wet. But not with blood; with a clear, waterey substance. And it came from his eye. The little droplets kept dripping down his face.He thought frustrated thoughts and wiped his back hand across his cheek before lunging at the leuitenant. She restrained him under three more bullets and Envy was getting mad. "That's it!" He snarled and morphed his hand into a mass of writhing , green colored souls. It snaked under the cobbled pavement and around Hawkeye's shoulder,slamming her to the ground. 'Score' He thought, mouth curling into a twisted grin.
There. If you want more, comment.