Weird bit of information I pried open from the internet box. Mayumi Yamaguchi (japanese voice actress for Envy on FMA) is also a part-time singer. Some of her songs I've heard and never known it was her singing all along! Some of her songs include Marai and baby Don't Cry. There's alot of others that I don't feel like naming now so GO! Go to the deepest depths of the internet to find them! In other news (or not so) Sonic has been pretty queit lately. (by lately, I mean the last year) And I mean
silent Where's the promised Sonic 4 and Sonic Anniversary? (Did Sonic 4 already come out? That's what all my friends tell me but I haven't seen it. Ah well.) Gamer Pro magazine had an article on "Sonic's Dilemna". It had several paragraphs on how fans are becoming more rabid and two graphs on the decline in Sega's stocks under the Sonic franchise. The article may have been deppressing, but the pictures were cute. But there's a new Sonic Universe arc. It's a Silver arc (FINALLY!) and how he returns to the past to rescue Mobius from Enerjak. Again. I haven't gotten it yet, so I don't know the nitty gritty but it's along those lines. Also, my fancy stemapunk goggles and The Last Unicorn book have not yet arrived in the mail. It has been almost four weeks since Shevacon ended and they are NOT HERE! This is disturbing news. BUT NOT TO WORRY, THE POWER OF PRAYER WILL SOLVE EVERYTHING! So, I went to Best Buy the other day, armed with a Christmas giftcard and I purchased the FMA second season box set. I was gonna get the Epic Micket game because I still haven't gotten to beta test it yet. (Everyone else has, why not me!? I mean, they had a beta tester at Mysticon!
Mysticon!) So, I watched the episode Theory of Avarice first and it was pretty epic. This was the one where Greed was defeated. It was kind of an awkward situation before he died. He was all curled up in a little ball while telling Edward how to defeat the other Homunculi. Ed didn't want to believe that he actually defeated Greed. He appeared genuinely upset over Greed's death, even though he was a villian. Marta was currently located inside Alphonse's armor and Dante/Lyra was MIA. That was that. So, before I wrap up, please pray for Japan. You (the reader) may not be religious, but just do it. 98% of the Japanese went to Hell that day, whether you believe it or not. So please just pray.
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