Hey Chib's-san-O's out there. I did it again! Now I've begun to conquer even our beloved Soul Eater. The funny thing about this show is that its supposed to be serious but failing miserably. It was meant to be but not. Its just too funny and random to be that dark. So, basically its about these teens (on Earth, surprisingly. Not some alternate universe) who go to this hidden school called DWMA , located deep in Nevada (widely known as the "academy"). The school is for kids who have passed a specific exam to allow them to participate in a hunt of sorts. This hunt is actually for each student team to capture 99 kishin souls (their word for extremely evil people) and one witch soul in order to graduate. And the witches aren't even witches. They just think the are. They capture these souls of the evil to rid the world of...well, evil. (Why do all these shows end up with the heroes trying to rid the world of evil?! Not that I'm complaining, but it's getting old.) Each student is either classified as a meister or a weapon. Weapons are kids who have the ability to transform into a weapon, and meisters are the weilders of their partners, the weapons. They use their weapon-partners to defeat the kishin. There are three teams of seven main antoganists. The first and main team is Maka Albarn, a 14 year old (I think..) girl, daughter of Spirit Albarn who is the weapon for the principal of DWMA, Lord Shinigami. Her partner and weapon is Soul, an albino boy who can turn into an enormous scythe.Team two is Black Star, a blue-haired boy with A.D.D. and apperantly is related to Naruto. His partner is Tsubaki, a queit, calm and collective girl who can turn into a chain scythe. (A chain scythe is two huge shuriken connected by a chain.) Team three is Kidd, a black-haired boy who has three white stripes through his hair and has an obsessive disorder over symmetry. (anything non-symmetrical that he sees, he destroys. He also hates his hair.) His weapons are Liz and Patty Thompson. (they used to be outlaws, but Kidd found them and made them change their ways when they became his weapons) They're sisters and both turn into pistols. Kidd is also the son of Shinigami, giving him airs and privelages unlike the other meisters. Other important characters (wow, this is taking longer than I thought..) include Proffesor Stein, a kind but slightly insane doctor who hosts biology class. There's Spirit, a comical redhead who's also Maka's dad and Lord Shinigami's weapon. Ther is also Marie, Stein's lover. She's kind and kind of out-of-it. She also weilds a small hammer and has an eyepatch. Students are Ox Ford, a child-prodigy obsessed with learning. Kim Deihl, in relationship with Ox and meister to Jaqueline o' Lantern. Jaqueline is a lamp weapon and can be used as either a regular lamp or a flamethrower. Thunder and Fire are chibi twins who don't do much. Villians are Medusa, one of the evil witches. She's a snake witch and derives pleasure from controlling people's minds. Free is also a villian. Free serves Medusa and is very carefree and is basically superhuman. My favorite is Crona, a young boy who is claustrophobic and afraid of being around other people, especially girls. He has purple hair and has a monotone voice, and is the meister to Ragnarok. The first known kishin is Asura, an extremely paranoid but insane. He has odd habits like wearing seven layers of scarves and eating his weapon Vajra whenever he feels. Blair is a shapeshifting neko-girl who has purple hair and has a major, poorly diguised crush on Soul. So, that's that.
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