Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Today is Sonic The Hedgehog's 19th birthday from origanally being sold on the Sega Game Gear and Nintendo's Master System.Yay.Not that I'm not excited or anything but I'm really really stressed and I have had many many stressful events occur today at Sam's club and I'll discuss that in another post.No, actually my brother is now informing me that I went to Kroger's, not Sam's Club.So go to your local Gamestop or Replay or wat ever store you buy for games at and let Sega spred and share the love of Sonic by rewarding you with a buy 2 Sega games and get 1 free!and all Sonic games are either half price off or 70% off! cool.Enjoy our blue and speedy's 19th b-day and have a Segalichious day!(I made that up...)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

i really have nothing better to do

I not on a plogging rampage.I'm just really really bored.It's 8:08 and I'm kinda tired but I'm not giving up my computer quite yet cuz I had something to do on the top of my head and I forgot so I'm waiting for insparation.This is my first time using a second tab.I have an audio file on pause on another computer in the same room that my sister's on blogging now too and under my 3rd tab I have deviant art on the line with an awkward picture of Amy eating Shadow.My second tab is holding some CaramellDancin music I'm listening to now.I'd posted five times on all three of my blogs including this one and I'm attemting to erase all my Greek report files intertwining with this and I'd downloaded from Itunes both seasons of Invader Zim and some episodes of The Sonic Show.EvilDoc forever!!!Iv'e listened to Girlfriend and Mr.Wonderful until I was sick of it and I'm eating half of a creme donut I saved from church this morning.I've been Youtubing all day cuz it's raining and a transformer went off on our neighbor's house so I was stuck on Youtube watching corny sonic fan videos and gir eating a hamburger.In my free time I'd just put together a Silver sprite complete with real silverliness!Wow!
