Friday, October 22, 2010

Just a Random Picture

I'm so extremley sorry for not posting in the last couple of months. Er.... busy. I was busy with my Napoleon project and other geography stuff.Yeah, yeah that's it.Well, no,no not really.But I'm sooper sorry, and for you to forgive me, I am showing you this random picture. there. Forgive me.Newz Flash: New Sonic Colors vid on the Nintendo channel. The story so far, Eggman is STILL on that Eggman Land streak and really thinks he's (OUt of all the freaking times he's failed)  going to finally beat Sonic through a shiny, exxtra terestrials theme park. With exxtraterestrials. Ha ha, robotnik.Ha ha. Oh,OH OH OH OH OH!!!! I almost forgot, some rumors going around. Tails is going to die, and be roboticized (NOW they decide to make Archie comic reference) and is fueled by the dark wisps' (Wisps are those play-doh floating luminesent things) power to become Dark Tails ( like Dark Sonic, from Sonic and the Secret Rings, but it's Tails, and he's evil) and be pitted against Sonic in this  mega epic battle thing towards the end of the game ( like we haven't heard THAT before). Okay, other rumors are that Silver and Shadow and .... mephiles...wait..Mephiles?  That, I don't believe. But, Knuckles and Amy have been confirmed. Huzzah for Knuckles. I'd thought they'd put him out for good, but I'm glad not. Shadow does an awful job filling in for him. Anyhow, I'm so excited for Comicon tomorrow. Enough said G'night, and enjoy the picture.