Sunday, July 31, 2011

Gir made mashed potatoes
This is my favorite GIR quote of all time. Of all of GIR's crazy quotes, the best is definatley the funniest. Here's the URL, and enjoy!

Saturday, July 30, 2011


By the way, this picture doesn't belong to me. I just realized now that I can get in loads of trouble for posting these pics without a disclaimer or somehting, so there ye go. You've noticed that I've put together a strange little mock-diary entry for Grell in some sort of die-ary (jthm reference). Yeah, ever since I changed my display user-name from Mcsugarbob to CornMuffin, I haven't been doing many McReviews...but don't worry, I'll get to them again, I promise. But for now, I've started a little something I like to call The Absolutely Fascinating Diary Entries of Grell Sutcliff, which are exactly as I just said. Grell Sutcliff. Writing in a diary.
...This will be fun.

The Absolutley Fascinating Diary Entries of Grell Sutcliff

September 11
Just to start off, silly peice of paper, this was not my idea whatsoever. No. Not at all. It was utterly and entirely Will's fault...well, not exactly fault; he is capable of none of the sort. All "Mr. Must be absolutely perfect" and that. It was merely his own doing to which I have been forced against my will (not that Will, my lovlies. Of course, it would be rather nice if he were mine.). Said I was "spending too much time out on missions," and that I "might need a bit of time off" or some other of the likely codswallop. Of course, anyone with a pair of perfectly-functioning eyes attached to their lovely little sockets would know for sure that said person with a perfectly-functioning brain attached to the back of their head (...we hope.) would be hinting subtely that the former isn't doing to smooth and had better get their act together before Will does something terribely unWill-like, like bursting into spontaneous cartwheels or jump off a building or worse, crooked-ify (or whatever it is he likes to call it) his beloved glasses. Psh.So anyway, he gave me this little booklet of insufferable doom to write my "crash-progress" or something like that. Crash, as in meaning my little break. Or to vent out. (whatever that means)
Again, I say what.
...that man confuses me thoroughly.
So he told me to keep record, but of course I'm not. Handsome as he is, there is no way I'm going to do anything that doesn't involve legal papers. And as far as I can tell, this peice of paper has no legal notes (again, come to think of it, I've never even seen a legal note...)
But just so you are aware, strange, psychic book of lined paper, this wasn't my idea.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sometimes I wonder..

Sometimes I wonder vageuly if it would be differet if I hd eventually decided to KEEP my friend-box on the side of my blog instead of deleting it...then maybe you readers might lend me a comment or two? Oh well. Dwelling on the past does nothing for me, mostly because someone screwed with my customization screen and I can't access it anymore to replant it, so oh well. Today is the Tomorrow you envisioned Yesterday. Hopefully this little chat would cause one of you leave me a comment. *shrug*  Anyway, did anyone bother to know that episodes of Invader Zim in the japanese dub are unavaliable on the US internet? it appears Asia has their very own form of internet..not tht I didn't know that, or the fact that Invader Zim hs a japanese dub, I just didn't bother to check it till now and I'm kind of disappointed.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Vader Tots

...Ever wondered what it would be like if Darth Vader had his own line of freeze-dried food goods cleverely disguised as Tator-tots and under the ingenius surname "Kraft" all the while distributing them through means of supermarkets nationwide for the mind-blowing price of 3.75 plus applicable taxes and are the sole cause of cancer, and scientists and doctors haven't been able to trace it yet because of the ingenius fool-proof (and bulletproof) layering over the tots, that once digested, travel to Mars and then there's no way for NASA to retrieve the ever-growing mounds of digested tator-tots on Mars thanks to them shutting down. That, or that the doctors and scientists already know but are keeping it a secret because they're just so yummy, which in turn allows Darth Vader to thrive off our Earth money in order to become the richest guy in the world, so that one day, when he travels here, everyone will be forced to become his lackies and he will eventually have millions of cancer-inflicted minions to do his bidding?
WHAT FIENDS! They must be stopped!

Monday, July 18, 2011

A Very Potter Musical

This is the most insane thing I've ever seen, and almost one of the funniest things. Not the whole play, however, but most of it.
Anyway, I can save the real ranting for later, so I'll have enough breath to explain. Harry potter the Musical is a novice musical by...well, a bunch of novices who slapped it together. this point, I'm not quite sure whether or not they're still in college or not, but the play is still very much alive thanks to lots of Harry potter fans keeping it so, solely driven by their fandom and hard-earned cash. (much like myself) And needless to say, the unofficial, fan-made musical has garnered to much attention for it's own good, but we all have to admit, as seasoned HP fans who don't find much more than angst these days in the HP world, this is a hilarious load-off and we know we love it anyway. The musical consists of a ton of wacky songs and side-splitting dialouge (is this really me saying all of this? I think I should become a reporter or, and my favorite character in the play is Draco, of course, and I swear that it's not just my Draco-fangirl side speaking. ...No really, I swear. ...all right. Maybe just a little.
But you HAVE to look it up on youtube, "a very potter musical" and "a very potter sequal". It's really contagious. Especially all the childish parts with Draco.
These people are insane!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

...this cannot be happening...

*curls up in a tight ball and whimpers slightly* Envy-kun...died. He died. Roy and pretty much everyone one else within a five mile radius wanted to kill him, and then (I DON'T CARE IF IT'S SPOILERS YOU UNSENSITIVE FLIBBITHOBGKIN-GIBBITS!!! I'M SO DEPPPRESSSEEEDDDD!!!) He pulled out his Philosopher stone.
*sniffles pathetically* ...stupid emo...WHHYYYYYYYY???????
He died this morning just for everyone who was too lazy to wake up and watch it *cough* don't care about Envy,don't read this blog or perish *cough* So I'm pretty much in mourning. And mourning does not side well considering that I'm recovering from a fever (and due to this fever, I had to miss my acting camp's performance. Blargghh.) and that my throat is so swollen that I can't speak, can barely get out of bed without tearing up and clutching my throat (who knew that your legs had such a link to your throat...huh. Anyhow, I got used to it after loping around a bit), haven't eaten for two days (up until recently...what a painful dinner it was) taking into account that I can't fit anything larger than an ibuprofen down my throat. So I have been mourning myself as well as Envy. As has my friend Cloud-chan, who was probably even more in a wreck than I was about his death. She wasn't expecting it, because she hasn't gotten to it in the japanese dub before. I however, have seen it in the japanese dub, but I was still a nervous, blubbering mess after the episode ended in english.
Needless to say, we're both major Envy fangirls.
So, if you wish it to be the end of life as you know it, I command you to mourn Envy, and/or see the episode and then mourn him for hours on end.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How I Met Draco Malfoy

...okay, lemme warn you, it gets uber complicated from here on, so listen closely. So, here I was at Carowinds theme park in South Carolina, texting my friend Cloud-chan about the Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2 midnight premiere (which I am going to Every by the way, wearing my new Gryffindor shirt I bought at Hottopic) and it was 9:30 at night and I was just getting off of the Intimadator coaster, when the boy who was about to take my seat (I'm not kidding... it was scary. 0.o) loooked exactly like Tom Felton. Exactly. Every little detail and I was standing, shock still and he accidently bumped into my shoulder and when he said 'sorry', he even had a british (or mebbe Scottish, hard to tell with only one word) accent and I zombie-walked off the platform with a giant headache from thinking so much.
Coincidence? I don't think so.
But let me tell you, that was the highlight of my day (even if it maybe wasn't Tom Felton...ah well) but since I like to think of Slytherin as my home-house ( a good second would be Gryffindor, I'm kind of adventurous and mischevious at the same time), and since Draco is teh best ever (sorry Harry-san) I was tottaly fangirling-out. :DDD