
A congealed mass of existence without apparent meaning. Also, olives and crabshells.
Awesome! Just came bck from Shevacon! Well, not just (notice the itailics (sp?). Just began using them. Aren't they great?!) back, like last week back. It was last Friday through last Sunday and it was so cool! Cutting to the chase, there was an enormous dealer's room (there I got a pair of steampunk/mad scientist goggles, two FMA figurines, the last unicorn book, a suckerpunch poster, and a whole slew of brocherurs.), I saw two Dragon cosplayers, one Ash Ketchum, 5 or 6 steampunk'ers, many Storm Troopers, The Ghost Busters, The Harry Potter gang (including the Snitch!), 2 Nekos and too many Darth whatever's to count. Only saw one Naruto cosplayer for some reason and no Bleach people at all, surprisingly enough. But I was glad for it. The Bleach part, that is. At least I was spared from dying on the spot. Bleach is the worst anime ever. Now, there were plenty of panels. My favorites were the Aliens panel (never heard of the movie until then; people at the booth kindly informed me for later research of every waking detail on how they hatch eggs in your stomach and crawl out of your chest. They also enlightened me that they existed to protect me from those kinds of dangers. Phew, it's a good thing that I can rest safely and that the Paranormal investigators will rescue me.), and the Wizengamot Muggle Quidditch league of Roanoke Virginia for beggining wizards. (They also informed me that if I don't join their thriving society of already 30 active members that they will use the Imperious curse on me. Wow.) At the anime dvd dealer's table were a whole bunch of videos that I would've loved to buy. Then after I left to Chick fil a and came back, all that was left on the table was 2 stacks of One Peice movies. It stayed that way for the entire convention. Wow. People must really hate One Peice.