Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Okay, I know that alot of you out there own Neopets or have had them before. If you haven't, get one. Tell them Mcsugarbob sent you. It's easy, and it doesn't have a fee or strings attached. It's safe, cute (and manly) fun for everyone. I have had one since the second grade and I have quite the collection of pets. My first and foremost pet was this little thing here, StevenFlorence. He's a Jubjub (A.k.a. Neopets answer to Kuribohs). He's also Lost Desert (Neopets answer to Egypt) style. I am really big on Jubjubs (they're my favorite type of pet), and I alos have three more. One is a skunk style Jubjub named Ph@raoh, another is a plain green one named Kander12 and I have an invisible (no joke, you can really get those paint brushes) one named ObeliskTheAwesome132. They are my neopets (not including my Gelert, Redleou. I adopted him from the Neopian Pound to be a gaurd dog for my Jubjubs. It's actually worked.) So GET A NEOPETS ACCOUNT!


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