long time no sea

hi yall.it's me again, your beloved sonic and ygo loving lunatic who is very sorry to all those fans out there who were upset @ not seeing any recent posts.all thanks to Chicken who's been hogging my computer. also an honorable mention to Cookie and Mr. Uncle who haven't made this all possible.(those are their screen names.)so any who, i could have a whole list of exscuses of not posting and here are my last minute guesses.1)I was lazy2)Iwas lazy3)I was procrastinating=Lazy.So on to some last minute apoligies.I'm sorry for not posting anything about Private last week b/c i was out of time and i guess Shadow deserves a whole weekly post to himself.Today i'm talking about a recent comic which isn't recent at all but i just now got around to reading it.Sonic Universe #4:THE SHADOW SAGA.it's cool because its the last of the shadow thing and i love shadow. so hope and the commander finally transport Rouge to special zone where a god named Feist will grant them the chaos emerald if they go through a sick and twisted maze.when they fail and get transported back,shadow, believing he's not good enough takes his anger out on a walking arseonal named Omega.later Hope gives him a pep talk and they go back to special zone,defeat Feist, bring back the chaos emerald and praises the team which consists of him,Rouge,and Omega and of which he affectionatly named Team Dark.2 more things and i'm up over and gone peace out.My pal Naomi is very sick and was hospitalized and is just now recovering.Pleez pray for her.2nd, just to do a little advertizing, if you your an itunes dude like me and love Sonic to peices, check out this awzome podcast called The Spindash. theyre really phunny and i hope you get a chance to listen to them.under my profile, instead of Sega, i have temporarily put a link to the spindash's website.that's all folks and i hope yall enjoy my weekly mini-comic.it's on chaos.bye everyone!!
Labels: and a hardware store, Shadow, Spindash
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