Silver is awsome now

Hey Guys. I know, I know. I Haven't posted for well over a month. I think.
I'll start with Silver.
Silver is a greyish white Pygmy Hedgehog.He is 13 years old and can time travel as well as stop time. His first ever appearence was in Sonic 06.His best friend is Blaze the Cat, who's a purple pyro. Since 06, Silver has appeared numerous times throughout Sonic media.(ex: Comics,Games,Possibly shows in the near future.)He is very gullible and usually will take drastic measures to save his world and future in many comics and games.Silver's best friends include Blaze, Espio, Knuckles, Shadow, and Marine. His former enemy was Sonic, but now they're just aqqantinces.His original design drafts were that he was to be Flame the Mink, though.He got his final name from his shiny silver color.He is usually very kind and willing to help anyone in need, except in Sonic Rivals, where he seemed quite cocky.
Whenever he'd beat you, he laugh or say things like "I'm Better." or "Who's the Ultimate now?"
His guilty pleasures are those little umbrellas in smoothies. He collects them.
Ok, that's all for Silver now. Time to discuss the latest comic. For the Penguins of Madagascar:
Rico's Dilemna.It's about how our beloved Buzz Saw man lost his upchuck touch. It's quite simalar to Choked Up, Except that it takes place during a mission. And Alice is not involved. I thought it was pretty cool though, since it is the first ever P.O.M. comic book.I also saw an ad in it for a Pocket God comic. Can this really be? Seriously?!?!?!?! Pocket God!?!?! OH MY GOSH!
I sooo want one.Though it will probably stink since pocket god is very good game.sorry... Anyway, For Sonic The Hedgehog: The Roads We Take.Iron Dominion Epliogue. I like this one alot.It tottaly ditched the whole Iron Dominion party thing, and I'm very grateful.I mean, at first it was okay, then it bearable,and the last issue deserved a celebration.Not because it was good, but because it was just so horrible and it was finally over.Hooray.I'm just praying that they don't start again.So this comic basically has everyone adjusting back to normal life and recovering pretty much.It sounds blah, but wait till you see it. It is the best comic they've made since Mecha Madness(Enerjak was cool too.)So it begins with Sonic,Nicole and Tails searching an old Iron Base and finding zip.Then the scene shifts to Knuckles and The Chaotix(the full team this time,hooray.I kinda missed the whole team.)They're settling scores with Espio, who came back and reconciled.Then he tells everyone the dirt on them that he dished up while he was gone.He concludes to tell Mighty that his family is dead except for his long-lost never-met sister is alive in a Dark Egg Legion quarter.He storms off with Ray at his heels,begging to come.It goes back to Sonic and Tails,who found a box with a secret inside that they haven't told.They'll probably say next month.So it goes back to Mighty and Ray, who are ready to go find his sister after saying goodbyes.Then it goes to Sally and Sonic who are getting ready to have lunch together and are dreaming of old times.Surrounding the final picture is Mighty,Knuckles and Espio saying goodbyes,Robotnik working on a new robot,Snively snivling about his girlfriend all locked up,Monkey Khan getting ready to lead his people,and then Mighty and Ray, flying to adventure.This was an exceptionally well done comic and I commend Tracy Yardley for his superior Sonic-skills.(There was a part where Khan and Sally were having a kissy moment,and I fully regret saying that)So that wraps today up,and I'll see you next week.(and there WILL be a next week this time so don't get all huffy with me.)
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